"Art For Artists Sake"
Calling individual artists, creators, interested in 2 weeks to 1 month in the country at"Imagine" retreat. "Imagine" is located in rural NSW Australia, in the Great Lakes District, 3 hours North of Sydney.
Staying at "Imagine"
Time and space in the country for 2 to 4 weeks of creative development and work.
This will be a time of creative space on farm land on the mid-north coast of Australia which is one of the holiday destinations for Sydney siders in the summer months. Facing the spectacular views of the lake this is a space to feel free enough to focus on whatever project you aspire to as an artist. Conducive to creativity, will provide working facilities, ready to be used by individual visiting artists to stay and create.
Creativity, Peace
The retreat exists to allow artists time to work without distractions. Located in a rural area, and there is no public interaction unless artists request working with the local community (rules prohibiting anyone from interrupting artists in the space unless they wish to work with the community).
​Regional Contacts
If artists wish to connect with the local or wider community contacts this can sometimes be facilitated and local schools are always interested in visiting tutors at different times of year.
Farmhouse on 5 acres with one double room and one room with bunks. Outdoor under-cover space for art or movement also indoor studio space and outdoor stage (good in the early morning or late in the day in summer). Dancers have enjoyed the early morning in this space.
Air, rail and bus travel to and from the residency is to be paid by the artists. Time frame 28 days for full development of project and a showing of work. Artists in residence at any one time 2 to 4 residents.
"Art For Arts and Artists Sake"
Artist-in-residence programs are an opportunity to allow visiting artists to stay and work 'for art's sake'. The environment being conducive to creativity and working facilities, ready to be used by individual artists. Your stay can be process based with or without outcome so that freedom with its responsibility be offered to the artists in residence. If you wish to do a project based work involving the community that can also be developed as long as it can be prepared in advance.
Open to creator artists from all nations, artists are requested to send in documentation, a curriculum vitae what you would like to do either process based or project. The work does not need to have and outcome.
How to reach
By train: Train to Newcastle then Bus to Pacific Palms
By plane: To Sydney, Taree, or Newcastle
By car: From Sydney, three and half hours to four hours.
At present the residency is an artist-run initiative and the cost of food and board with a 60% discount as a partial stipend . Artists also need to cover cost of materials the residency provides some travel around the area and pick up from bus or train.
​The motto "ART for ARTS sake" is not an ivory tower concept it is for the creating concept!!
To encourage creativity and conceptual art in all forms to also have workshops and times of facilitation of cross art form projects.
To connect break boundaries between cultures and single art practice and explore new work either as individuals or in a group. The art collective can move and take place in another venue in another country or planet.